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Welcome to this week’s newsletter. Today It’s going to be about a company that is so familiar to us, yet we know so little about it. I’m talking about Xerox. It is so popular that it has become a verb. I know we have all used the phrase, “Take a xerox of my Aadhaar card,” or some other phrase equivalent to that. We may have used the more regional pronunciation for it, “Je-rocks.” I know I have. It took me far too long to learn the right pronunciation for Xerox. We all know Xerox to be a giant international company that created the most popular photocopying machine. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. In this article, we will see the technological advancements and contributions made by Xerox to the world. We will also look at the downfall of the company and the reasons behind it.


First, let’s look at the history and the raise of Xerox Corporation. In Rochester, New York, The Haloid Photographic Company was founded in 1906. The business was initially a producer of photographic paper and tools, but it quickly had a significant impact on the technology industry. Carlson, a physicist and inventor, discovered the method of electrostatically copying images in the late 1930s. He gave it the name “xerography,” which translates to “dry writing.” The first automatic copier was made possible by this innovation. The Xerox Corporation purchased the xerography rights in the 1940s and began marketing and commercialising the technology. Early copiers from the company were expensive and large, but as technology advanced, production costs dropped, making copiers affordable for both businesses and households.

the Xerox 914

The Xerox 914, the first automatic copier, was released by Xerox in 1959. This device completely altered how people made copies and opened the door for subsequent developments in the area of document management. The Xerox 914 established Xerox as a leader in the technology sector and quickly became a mainstay in offices all over the world. The company changed its name as a result, too.

In 1961, the Haloid Photographic Company changed its name to become the Xerox Corporation. As Xerox has grown and developed its product line over time, it has established itself as a household name in the technology and document management industries. For more than a century, the name Xerox has been associated with printing and copying. The company’s inventions have had a significant impact on the advancement of office technology and transformed how people work. Xerox has been a pioneer in document management, developing the first xerographic copier in 1959 and leading the way with modern digital printers. The business has also led the way in technological developments, including the creation of colour copiers and the incorporation of digital technology into its goods.

Contributions to Technology.

Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated) was founded in 1970 as a result of the Xerox Corporation’s commitment to technological advancement. PARC was created as a research facility to push the boundaries of what was practical in information technology. With a brilliant group of individuals and cutting-edge technology, PARC sought to create ground-breaking technologies that would shape the future. Its contributions to materials science, computer science, and human-computer interaction have had a big influence on how modern technology is now understood.

Xerox’s contributions to technology have revolutionized the way people work and communicate. Its innovations have had a profound impact on modern society, and its impact can still be felt today. As we already know, One of the major contributions of Xerox was the invention of the first xerographic copier. This invention paved the way for modern office copying and printing, making it possible for businesses to easily produce multiple copies of documents.

Xerox PARC also made significant contributions to the field of networking and the Internet. The Ethernet technology, which is now widely used for local area networks, was developed at PARC in the 1970s. Additionally, PARC’s research on computer networking helped lay the foundation for the modern Internet and paved the way for the development of technologies such as email, file sharing, and online communication. The development of Ethernet was a key factor in the growth of local area networks, and it was a major breakthrough in the field of computer networking.

Xerox also played a major role in the development of the graphical user interface (GUI). Prior to the use of graphical user interfaces, computers could only be operated by people who knew the codes for the functions they wanted to perform on the machine. Do you remember MS-DOS? or Windows 95? The GUI made it easier for people to interact with computers, and it was a major step forward in the development of personal computing. To interact with the graphical user interface, they invented the mouse. So, the first computer with a mouse was developed by Xerox, and it paved the way for the widespread use of personal computers in homes and offices. The GUI, along with the computer mouse, made it possible for people to interact with computers in a much more intuitive and user-friendly way.

It doesn’t end here. I’ll leave a link to the Xerox Parc timeline here and you can check it out yourself.

Bill Gates’ Statement About Xerox Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates once said, “If Xerox had moved a little faster in bringing its technology to market, it would have been Microsoft.” This statement highlights the significance of Xerox’s contributions to technology and its impact on the development of the computer industry.

What are they up to today?

Xerox continues to be a leading player in the document management industry to this day. The company provides a wide range of products and services, including printers, copiers, and software solutions for businesses and individuals. In recent years, Xerox has also expanded into the managed print services market, helping organizations streamline their printing and imaging processes. Despite some challenges, Xerox remains a strong brand with a long history of innovation and a commitment to driving digital transformation.

But, there is trouble.

Over the past decade, Xerox has experienced a significant drop in its revenue which has resulted in a decline in its market value and stock price. The technology industry has become increasingly competitive, and Xerox has struggled to keep pace with the rapidly changing market. The company’s revenue has decreased by over 20% in the past 10 years, a worrying trend for investors and stakeholders. In recent times, Xerox has reported significant losses, due to declining sales, increased competition, and a lack of innovation in its product offerings. This has had a significant impact on the company’s financial stability and it has been difficult for Xerox to regain its position in the market.

The decline in revenue and reported losses have resulted in a low cash reserve for the company, limiting its ability to invest in research and development and marketing activities. The low cash reserve has also made it difficult for Xerox to pay its debts and meet its financial obligations. This has led to a real threat of bankruptcy for the company, causing concern for investors and stakeholders and resulting in a decrease in its stock price. In order to regain its financial stability and avoid bankruptcy, Xerox will need to take swift and decisive action, such as cutting costs, reducing its workforce, or selling off some assets. It is important for the company to act quickly to prevent a potential bankruptcy scenario.


The Xerox Corporation has made a significant difference in the technological world as well as how we work and communicate. Xerox has been a pioneer in the field of document management and information technology, from the invention of the first xerographic copier to the development of the Ethernet technology and graphical user interface. The founding of Xerox PARC, a research centre devoted to expanding the bounds of technological possibility, has produced a number of ground-breaking innovations that have influenced the future. It is not surprising that Bill Gates, a co-founder of Microsoft, has praised Xerox for its technological advancements and importance. Xerox has made contributions to society that are still felt today and that have a lasting impact, earning the company a reputation for innovation and advancement.

In conclusion, even though Xerox’s situation may appear dire right now, the future is not set in stone. This legendary business may be able to make a comeback and reclaim its position as the market leader with the right moves and a little bit of luck. Even in the face of upcoming difficulties, there is always room for optimism and constructive change. Therefore, let’s maintain our optimism and keep an eye on Xerox as they make their way through these tumultuous times. How do you feel?

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